High-Level Mentorship for Multi-Dimensional Women

walking an initiatory path of mastery, creation and service

This container is a crystalline, multi-dimensional temple space encoded to support the woman on an initiatory journey of becoming and serving the living transmission of her soul’s unique medicine.

This is a high-touch, high-intimacy space for leaders in devotion to meeting themselves and their reality as a medicinal path of self-mastery, essence embodiment and continual, courageous alignment with their soul’s true, organic timeline of ascension, creation and service.

In this Age of Aquarius, your embodiment is the teaching, your frequency is the transmission and your mastery is your magnetism.

The rising leaders of this time are not only talking the talk, they prioritize walking the walk- becoming the living expression of their medicine, a clear channel of their codes, a vessel of Divine remembrance, and a creative conduit for the consciousness they are in service to.

In this space, we see every facet of your life and field as a mutli-dimensional playground for profound purification, awakening, evolution and soul essence embodiment including your relationships with yourself, with God, with others, with your business and with those you serve.

Together, we enter a living, breathing Mystery School and quantum Temple Space where all of your experiences are celebrated as portals to alchemize what is ready to be transformed, to receive the gold of remembering more of who you are, to restore your soul blueprint and to ground higher-frequency bandwidths of love and liberation, inner and outer union, and spiritual and material alignment.

Through this journey, I serve as a clear mirror, multi-dimensional channel, compassionate presence and continual invitation to know thyself.

My commitment is to empower your own experience of gnosis, your own direct channel of connection to God, the wisdom and direction of your Higher Self, and the abundance of multi-dimensional spiritual and energetic support available to you, always.

Walking together, I see and celebrate you as the living master you are, supporting your journey of unlocking, refining and falling in love with your own unique process, codes and blueprints of alchemy, creation and service, for the benefit of all beings.

As we walk together, I am unconditionally devoted to the full-spectrum of sovereign power, love, truth and medicine that you are.

I specialize in supporting women who are called to…

A Priestess Path A Medicine Path A Vesselhood Path A Devotional Path of Service

Ancient Ones, Keepers of the Flame, Medicine Women, Oracles, Initiates, Temple Keepers, Magdalenes, Sisters of the Rose, Daughters of Divinity, Women Who Remember

I am here to walk with you on your alchemical path of soul initiation, embodiment and expression…

A non-linear, couragous journey of mentoring with the Mystery and being moved by the Muse.

Together, we see your daily life as a training ground and the perfect mastery curriculum for becoming the magnetic transmission of the medicine that you are.

Your energy field is a temple of profound learning, empowerment and transformation.

Your process of creation is a mirrors the now-moment curriculum of your awakening.

Your relationships are invitations to embody your authentic essence on Earth.

Your next level of potency, power and inner and outer prosperity live just beyond your edge …

And I am here to encourage you beyond the bounds of your comfort, closure and conditioning into courageous new horizons of love, liberation and leadership…

In devotional service to the mission of your soul.

“Christina has truly partnered with me on the path of awakening that is this process of building and running my business, a path that is fiery, initiatory, confronting, and requires at every turn that I meet the resistance, old patterns of conditioning, fears and insecurities that get churned up along the way.

  Christina has held impeccable sacred space for me, helping me to transform these challenges into expansive new clarity and inner freedom that allows me to keep showing up in devotional service- rather than getting derailed and shut down by old fears and programming. 

In short, she has helped me to birth my soul's work into the world more fully and authentically than ever before.”

-RHIANNON, Wildcrafted Mothering

The women I work with require a unique kind of support….

Because she is not just here to run a business, she is here to answer a sacred calling.

She requires support that is devoted to her clearness, integrity and embodiment as a vessel and a channel for new realities of Love on Earth,

Support that honors her profoundly intelligent soul-catalyzed processes of energetic purification, initiation and restoration, the nonlinear dragon-ride of deep feminine awakening, the medicine journey that is creation, business and life itself, and the natural, wise, cyclical unfurling of her path,

Support that weaves the mystical aspects of her process with a understanding of how to integrate quantum shifts and expanded evolutionary energies through the body, aura and nervous system for sustainable, tangible and grounded transformation,

Support that understands the highly multi-dimensional, mysterious and sometimes non-sensical, psycho-spiritually challenging and energetically intense nature of her path,

Support that knows she is not here to  fit into a cookie-cutter business model or an old paradigm of *anything*, and is encoded to hold her as she activates her own channel of gnosis, expands her energetic capacity, embodies her most authentic blueprint of thriving, and births her life from the liberated truth of her essence.

“To be a master of both the spiritual and physical realms is to know that in truth there is no separation between those two realms.

When your alignment with unconditional love for yourself and others is your principle guiding force in life, the abundance of both realms is revealed to you in ever-expanding measure.”


When we work together, we commune in the innermost chambers of the temple, where you will be held practically and energetically as you navigate your initiations and master your unique process of alchemy, creation and service.

We are resurrecting an updated template of the ancient Mystery Schools, where the advanced architecture of a sacred container offers high-level quantum support and practical structure to an initiate on their path of embodied ascension, multi-dimensional training and service to a community.

No journey in this container is the same. We work with the Divine intelligence of organic reality and your soul’s blueprint, moment-to-moment. Every mentorship experience is completely bespoke to what arises to be met, alchemized, activated and supported in *your* unique journey and the chapter that you are in.

Whether you are moving through an Underworld descent*, meeting the liminality of the fertile Void, are in active physicalization, sharing, and expansion of your service, or are experiencing a fluid flow amongst these realms, we meet the medicine of exactly where you are as you continue to master your process and trust the intelligent, organic nature of reality to reveal every next step of The Way.

*For specific and specialized support with processes of descent and Underworld initiation, please see the Initiation Alchemy offering.

Within these containers, I support your unique journey of energy mastery and soul embodiment through the pillars of



This container is a sacred and sturdy space for your alchemical process of feeling, releasing, transmuting and liberating from the wounding, conditioning, trauma, stories, fears, distortions and false identities that organically arise to be transformed. I am here to support and witness you as your pain becomes your power, your process becomes your wisdom, your vulnerability becomes your strength, and you glean the precious gold of your courageous walk.


I hold a space for you to reclaim more of your sacred power, activate innate gifts and remembrance, master your life force, expand your capacity and integrate more of your soul’s multi-dimensional essence into your vessel. Through devotion to meeting yourself, your life and your process deeply and sincerely, more expansive octaves of who you are and what is possible naturally awaken and come online, and quantum reality shifts become available.


Your being, your life, your journey is ART. Through devotion to embodying your truth in every facet of your reality, from your relationships to your brand, you will remember your power as a creator-being. Discover the next level of liberation as the inspired artist of your life in ways that feel alive, authentic and possibly a bit edgy. This is a container to build inner safety and capacity as you embody your medicine, expand your magnetism and express your message, practically and creatively.

“Christina has mirrored an unmatched level of devotion, mastery, and radiance as an embodied mystic pouring wisdom and gold forth into the world.

She works with a high level field that pierces the veils of illusions with ease, and supports sincere re-centering in the royal yet relentless path of truth- where I've discovered the true richness of my life. I am so awakened in my feminine essence today because of Christina's rhythmic offerings to me over the years, across the landscape of union, ceremonial arts, romance, eros, creative mastery. Thank you for your exquisite care and devotion, Christina.

It's changed my life in miraculous ways.”

I guide others on the path of the soul, because this is the path I am guided to walk- and it feels nothing short of miraculous.

Through embodying this way of being…driven by Devotion, ignited by Initiation, activated by Alchemy and in courageous service to Love, I continue to birth a life that feels wildly authentic, filled with full-spectrum beauty, intimately connected, creatively expressed and abundantly aligned with my natural gifts and multi-dimensional essence. And through meeting the fullness of my own path- through all the ups and downs, challenges and change, breakdowns and breakthroughs- I have unlocked a way of living that supports a continue alchemical upward spiral of embodied potency, soul alignment and a current of service that naturally overflows from this inner wellspring.

I’m here to help you become even more you and to live a life that is a harmonious reflection of your soul…

Filled with your own essence, overflowing with authenticity, medicinal and magnetic in your full-spectrum power, love, devotion and beauty.

I guide others on the path of the soul, because this is the path I am guided to walk- and it feels nothing short of miraculous.

Through embodying this way of being…driven by Devotion, ignited by Initiation, activated by Alchemy and in courageous service to Love, I continue to birth a life that feels wildly authentic, filled with full-spectrum beauty, intimately connected, creatively expressed and abundantly aligned with my natural gifts and multi-dimensional essence. And through meeting the fullness of my own path- through all the ups and downs, challenges and change, breakdowns and breakthroughs- I have unlocked a way of living that supports a continue alchemical upward spiral of embodied potency, soul alignment and a current of service that naturally overflows from this inner wellspring.

I’m here to help you become even more you and to live a life that is a harmonious reflection of your soul…

Filled with your own essence, overflowing with authenticity, medicinal and magnetic in your full-spectrum power, love, devotion and beauty.

Within this container, I bring all of my tools, sight, presence and gifts in devotion to your sacred inner and outer journey.

I will hold up a clear mirror for you to see old patterns arising to be loved and transformed, and reflect back to you your greatest power, brilliance, gifts and soulful sovereignty. I will walk with you in the depths of the Underworld purge, in the heights of illuminated clarity, and every place in-between.

I won’t hold back, I will bring my sword of Truth, I will share the fullness of my Devotion, and I yearn for you to do the same.

Reveal your triggers and your emotions, your fears and your dreams, your rawness and your radiance. All of you is welcome here.

There is nothing about you that is too much, too big, too shameful, too bright within this container.

I unconditionally celebrate the fullness of who you are and continually guide you back towards yourself, your own power, your own channel, your own Divine connection, your own wisdom and your own abundance of inner resources.

Christina’s ability to hold such sacred and loving space for me allowed me to go DEEEP within myself to discover more of who I really am, allowed for the safety to be vulnerable to look at what was the scariest shit of my life, my pain I had tucked away and kept for secret so I didn’t have to see it or feel it.

It was revealed over and over again that feeling it, seeing it, allowing it to be what is was, was exactly what it was asking for in order for it to alchemize! It allowed me reclamation of many parts of me I had shamed, hated and hid from.

This propelled me forward in many areas of my life including the continued desire to share my life and medicine with others while continuing the path of healing and discovery of self. I entered a six-month container with Christina to support the blossoming of my business to share my medicine and serve others.

It is with my deepest gratitude for my dear mentor for her continued reflection of love, compassion, seeing me when I couldn’t see myself, reminding me of who I am and the fire I hold within my soul to shine my light for myself and for all.

Container duration is from three months to one year and packages begin at $3k.

When we journey in this way, we enter the innermost chambers of the temple together.

I hold you in my prayers, on my altar, and am in devotional service to the fullness of your process.

Packages include bi-weekly 90-minute deep-dive sessions and full-spectrum support via Voxer and email between sessions.