An Intimate, High-Level Container of Multi-Dimensional Mission Support
This container is a multi-dimensional temple space of energetic and practical support for souls in devotion to the inner and outer journey of embodying their medicine, expressing their unique magic and serving their sacred mission.
Medicine Mentorship is a high-level, high-intimacy space for leaders, medicine-keepers, priestesses, Earth angels, artists, oracles and initiates committed to meeting themselves and their reality as a medicinal path of mastery, vesselhood and courageous alignment with their organic timeline of soul embodiment and service.
I am devoted to your unique blueprint of brilliance, your sacred path of purpose and to the truth, power and medicine of who you are.
I specialize in supporting those who are walking a…
Priestess Path • Medicine Path • Vesselhood Path • Ceremonial Path • Shamanic Path • Mastery Path • Devotional Path of Service
Ancient Ones, Shining Ones, Keepers of the Flame, Medicine People, Oracles, Starseeds, Angelics, Dragons, Temple Keepers, Magdalenes, Initiates of the Rose
I know what it feels like to live with the all-encompassing knowing that there is an immense wellspring of medicine within me and a sacred calling to a mission of devotional service I am here actualize in this life.
I also know how full-spectrum, exhilarating and challenging following the call of this inner gnosis can be- trusting the whispers of the soul down an untrodden road through the mists of the mystery, moving through initiations as a lifestyle, regularly facing fears, meeting edges, integrating shadows, transmuting pain, being made into a vessel of medicine through the process of alchemy, bridging the subtle soul realms with tangible service, aligning personal will with the sacred dreaming of the Divine (all while living in the modern world)…
It’s truly a full-on mastery curriculum that we have chosen in this life!
If you are resonating with these words, you incarnated at this time on Gaia to live profoundly on-purpose, and the path you are walking is uniquely designed to forge you, stretch you, train you, initiate you and invite you into remembering and becoming all of who you truly are, in devotion to something bigger than yourself.
And saying Y E S truly requires deep devotion to the inner and outer journey, courage to move through conditioning, fears, blocks, trials and perceived limitations, and a willingness to go first…to show humanity what it looks like to be an authentic and grounded luminary leader of love, holding a pillar of truth, embodying a rare frequency of remembrance, becoming the transmission of potent medicine and a living temple of God’s grace.
Together, we are each playing our role in the intelligent tapestry to anchor organic timelines and create new realities of Eden on Earth from an inner prayer of prosperity, purity and peace.
“Christina has truly partnered with me on the path of awakening that is this process of building and running my business, a path that is fiery, initiatory, confronting, and requires at every turn that I meet the resistance, old patterns of conditioning, fears and insecurities that get churned up along the way.
Christina has held impeccable sacred space for me, helping me to transform these challenges into expansive new clarity and inner freedom that allows me to keep showing up in devotional service- rather than getting derailed and shut down by old fears and programming.
In short, she has helped me to birth my soul's work into the world more fully and authentically than ever before.”
Mother’s Guide and Ceremonialist, Wildcrafted Mothering
As a luminary leader of this time, you are on a path of not just talking the talk, but living in devotion to walking the walk- becoming the grounded expression of your medicine, a clear channel of your codes, and a conduit for the consciousness you are in service to.
In this space, we see every facet of your life and field as holding opportunities for your authentic evolution and embodiment, including your relationships with yourself, with the Divine, with fellow humans, with your creations and with your soul’s mission.
Together, we enter a living, breathing Mystery School where your reality is the ceremony and the training ground - a sacred space to alchemize what is ready to be transformed, to receive the gold of remembering more of who you are, to embody your transmission and to ground vaster dimensional bandwidths of love and liberation, inner and outer union, and spiritual and material alignment from Ethers to Earth.
Through this journey, I serve as a clear mirror, devoted vessel, compassionate presence and continual invitation to know thyself.
My commitment is to empower you to deepen trust in your own experience of gnosis, to cultivate your own channel of connection to God and the direction of your Higher Self, and to experience the abundance of multi-dimensional spiritual and energetic support available to you, always.
“Christina’s ability to hold such sacred and loving space for me allowed me to go DEEEP within myself to discover more of who I really am, allowed for the safety to be vulnerable to look at what was the scariest shit of my life, my pain I had tucked away and kept for secret so I didn’t have to see it or feel it.
It was revealed over and over again that feeling it, seeing it, allowing it to be what is was, was exactly what it was asking for in order for it to alchemize! It allowed me reclamation of many parts of me I had shamed, hated and hid from.
This propelled me forward in many areas of my life including the continued desire to share my life and medicine with others while continuing the path of healing and discovery of self. I entered a six-month container with Christina to support the blossoming of my business to share my medicine and serve others.
It is with my deepest gratitude for my dear mentor for her continued reflection of love, compassion, seeing me when I couldn’t see myself, reminding me of who I am and the fire I hold within my soul to shine my light for myself and for all.”
Healer, Priestess, Holistic Health Guide
When we work together, we commune intimately in the innermost chambers of the temple, where you will be held practically and energetically as you cultivate mastery on your path and meet the profound ceremony of your life.
We are resurrecting an updated template of the ancient Mystery Schools, where the architecture of a sacred container offers quantum support and practical structure to an initiate on their path of embodied ascension, multi-dimensional training and sacred vesselhood.
No journey in this container is the same. We work with the Divine intelligence of organic reality and your soul’s blueprint, moment-to-moment. Every mentorship experience is completely bespoke to what arises to be met, alchemized, activated and supported in *your* unique journey and the chapter that you are in.
Whether you are moving through an Underworld descent, meeting the liminality of the Void, are in active physicalization of creation and expansion of your service, or are experiencing a fluid flow amongst the realms, we meet the medicine of exactly where you are as you continue to gain wisdom around your process, connect to the guidance of your soul and trust the Divine intelligence of reality to reveal every next step of The Way.

The energetic architecture of this container is held by the pillars of
This container is a sacred space for your process of feeling, releasing and liberating your body and energetic template from the wounding, loops, patterns, conditioning, stories, fears, inorganic energies and distortions that organically arise to be transformed. As you transmute these energies, more of your authentic power and soul essence is able be embodied, emanated and expressed through your vessel. I am here to support you as your pain becomes your medicine, your process becomes your wisdom, your vulnerability becomes your strength, and you glean the precious gold and growth of your courageous walk.
I have discovered that this temple work requires a unique skillset to resolve multi-dimensional trauma, clear infiltration, support soul retrieval, empower shadow integration and guide the restoration of fragmentation into sovereignty and inner wholeness. You will receive my multi-dimensional sight on your field to support all processes that arise.
My devotion is to empower you to activate your own innate alchemical technology and hold a pillar for you to remember your capability to be the master alchemist of your energy and life. Through our work together, you will unlock your own potential to experience the organic upward spiral of your soul’s evolution as a way of being.
Meet the challenges, fears, invitations, triggers and edges along your path as opportunities for growth on the level of your human self and your soul, cultivating and embodying the attitudes and practical skills of mastery through your experiences. You are invited and encouraged to bring all aspects and areas of your life into this container, as every facet of reality is interwoven and offering profound medicine and a mirror to be worked with, learned from and expanded through.
Initiations through relationships, business, expression, creation, Dark Arts training, Underworld descent, kundalini, multi-dimensional, mystical and shamanic experiences and all that arises in the organic unfolding of your path are welcomed here.
My devotion is to hold a safe, sacred space to navigate your initiatory process, from the experiences that offer subtle refinements to those that catalyze transformation at the deepest levels of your being. Through our work together, you will cultivate your mastery of the initiation process and remember new octaves of your own courage and capacity to transform, rise and embody more of your truth through the intelligent medicine journey of your life.
This container is birthed from and holds the energetic blueprint of Divine Union…the unification of our masculine and feminine soul aspects within our bodies, the union of our soul with Mother-Father God and our inner and outer dance with the mystical and material layers of reality.
Embodying this blueprint activates our potential and energetic technology as a creator being- fortifying our ability to bridge the ethers with the earth, to birth the dreams, visions, offerings and new realities guided by our soul, to steward our mission and to co-create miracles with God. This blueprint is something that is organically remembered and restored through the process of inner alchemy, energy work, embodied practice and multi-dimensionally integrating soul-aspect separation back into the heart of unity.
My devotion is to support the restoration and fortification of your Union template, activate your own potential to facilitate and deepen in this process for yourself, and empower your own gnosis of what it feels like in the body to experience the frequency of inner and outer Union.
You are a vessel of creation, divinely designed to express your truth, embody your unique artistry and birth soul-guided realities through your being. In this container we work with the multi-dimensional blueprint of organic soul creation, which holds the wisdom that the creation process is both energetic and tangible, mystical and material. I offer the subtle sight to support the journey of becoming a clear channel for life force to move powerfully and freely through your body, as well as supporting you to cultivate the practical skillsets to express your message, share your medicine and commune with the essence and architecture of your mission.
We will work with the higher realm blueprint of your creations and the frequencies of your organic creation timeline, which guide, train, initiate, purify and prepare you to actualize and steward the visions, offerings and Divinely destined dreams of your soul as they channel through you from the subtle realms into the material plane.
My devotion is to support you to come into right relationship with your creation power, to remember your innate ability to emanate new realities from your authentic embodiment, and to birth a life of beauty, prosperity, soul fulfillment, service and Divinely-guided alignment from the inside-out.
“Christina is here for the mystics and medicine people who are called to offer their magic in a tangible way to our world.
She was the miracle I didn't know was possible: a person who was skilled and experienced in the practical know-how of business technologies, gifted with creative and intuitive website design, but who was also a profound medicine woman in her own right, skillful with holding sacred space, energy mastery and intuitive awareness- a being capable of walking the starlit realms of multidimensional reality with me and simultaneously translating them into grounded, practical reality. She helped me learn how to bridge these worlds within myself, to learn how to create structures and strong containers to hold- in a truly aligned, sacred way- the magic and medicine I carry.
She is medicine for our time. If you have the opportunity to work with her, consider yourself extraordinarily blessed.”
Mother’s Guide and Ceremonialist, Wildcrafted Mothering
I guide others on the devotional path of the soul, because this is the path I have been guided to walk- and how my life continues to unfold, guided by this Divine intelligence, feels nothing short of miraculous.
Through embodying this way of being…driven by Devotion, ignited by Initiation, led by Truth, activated by Alchemy and in courageous service to Love, I continue to birth a life that feels sacred, authentic, intimately connected, creatively expressed and abundantly aligned with my natural gifts, blueprint and multi-dimensional essence. And through meeting the fullness of my own path- through all the ups and downs, challenges and change, heartbreak and heart opening, grief and growth, breakdowns and breakthroughs- I have unlocked a way of living that supports an alchemical upward spiral of embodied potency, soul expansion and a current of creation and service that naturally flows from an inner wellspring.
It’s my greatest joy to help you become even more you and to live a life that is a harmonious reflection of your own soul…
Filled with your own essence, overflowing with authenticity, medicinal and magnetic in your full-spectrum power, love, devotion and beauty.
Within this container, I bring all of my tools, sight, presence, wisdom and gifts in devotion to your sacred inner and outer journey.
I will hold up a clear mirror for you to see patterns arising to be loved and transformed, and reflect back to you your greatest power, brilliance, gifts and soulful sovereignty. I will walk you in the depths of the Underworld purge, in the midst of grief, in the heights of illuminated clarity, and every place in-between.
I won’t hold back, I will bring my sword of Truth, I will share the fullness of my Love, and I yearn for you to do the same.
Reveal your triggers and your turn-ons, your fears and your desires, your rawness and your radiance, your mess and your mastery, your vast range of emotion and expression. All of you is welcome here.
There is nothing about you that is too much, too big, too shameful, too mystical, too bright within this container.
I unconditionally celebrate the fullness of who you are and continually guide you back towards your own soul, your own power, your own channel, your own Divine connection, your own wisdom and your own abundance of inner resources.

Enter the Temple
Container duration is from three months to one year and packages begin at $3k.
When we journey in this way, we enter the innermost chambers of the temple together.
I hold you in my prayers, on my altar, and am in devotional service to the fullness of your process.
Packages include bi-weekly 90-minute deep-dive sessions, full-spectrum Voxer support between sessions and recordings of custom channeled energy-work processes, as needed.
Alignment deeply matters in this profound and intimate soul work! Please fill out the form below to share a bit about yourself and your path and I will be in touch within 48 hours.
Are you calling in support specifically around a process of creative or business birthing, rebirthing or refinement?
Visit the Creation Container page to learn more.