A Temple of Multi-Dimensional Creative Birhting Support

This container is a sacred temple of multi-dimensional creation alchemy offering energetic and practical support as you birth, rebirth or refine your mission-led creations, brand, business or body of work.

I serve as a midwife for your inner and outer journey of soul-guided organic creation, holding a structured, safe and sturdy space as you bridge the realms of ether and earth, mystical and material, frequency and form. I also serve as a death doula through the aspects of creation that reflect a crumbling as old structures break down to be composted before being restructured and reborn.

This is a high-level, high-touch, intimate container for devotion-driven souls here to fully experience and embrace the profound transformation, alchemy and soul embodiment that is possible through interacting with your creative process as a potent medicine journey.

You will be energetically supported by my intuitive sight and energetic gifts as a practitioner of mutli-dimensional creation alchemy as well as through my practical, grounded expertise in branding, sacred business, design, and the structuring of sacred containers to hold and channel the frequency and essence of your medicine.

Through devoting your being to the organic intelligence and full-spectrum evolutionary potential of this sacred process, not only will you birth your most potent, authentic and alive creation…your creation will birth the most potent, authentic and alive expression of Y O U.

Your creations yearn to be birthed through you, and they are perfectly, intelligently designed to birth you anew.

The higher-realm etheric blueprint of what you are uniquely here to create is encoded with an organic entrainment field of your soul’s medicine and mission. Working with this field of Divine intelligence catalyzes a path of initiation into your brilliant becoming, preparing and training you to be a clear vessel and steward of the consciousness you are in service to and activating your soul-led evolution, expansion and embodiment every step of the way.

Walking the path of soul-guided, essence-encoded organic creation is a journey of multi-dimensional alchemy.

It’s a continual invitation into purifying fires and clarifying waters to shed, release and transform all that you are not, remember the fullness of who you are, and become the living-breathing-shining diamond of your most authentic, alive and crystallized expression…in high, holy service to life itself.

“Christina is here for the mystics and medicine people who are called to offer their magic in a tangible way to our world. 

She was the miracle I didn't know was possible: a person who was skilled and experienced in the practical know how of business technologies, gifted with creative and intuitive website design, but who was also a profound medicine woman in her own right, skillful with holding sacred space, energy mastery and intuitive awareness- a being capable of walking the starlit realms of multidimensional reality with me and simultaneously translating them into grounded, practical reality. 

She helped me learn how to bridge these worlds within myself, to learn how to create structures and strong containers to hold- in a truly aligned, sacred way- the magic and medicine I carry.

-RHIANNON, Wildcrafted Mothering

The organic creation template of is encoded with the medicine of…

Divine Intelligence | Somatic-Soul Alchemy | Heirogamic Union | Cyclical Unfurling | Bridging Heaven and Earth

Your creations desire to both birth though you, and to birth the truth of who you are in the process.

Not only will you be transformed into more of who you are are through the initiatory creation journey…

Through trusting the path, surrendering to it’s medicine and allowing the Divine unfolding, the creations and realities you birth into this world will be alive, encoded with organic, alive, shimmering soul-essence frequencies. These creations, pulsing with life’s intelligence and birthed from devotion to truth, love and union, hold the power to shift consciousness, bring healing, and potently impact others simply through their existence.

While the alchemical, initiatory, transformation process of creative birthing is a personal journey we are meant to walk in deep intimacy with ourselves…

It is not always a journey we are meant to walk alone.

And this is where I come in.

I am a Midwife, a Guide, a Death Doula and a Priestess for this alchemical path of creation. My skillsets range from profound shamanic space-holding and subtle energy-work to gorgeous digital design and soul-guided business strategy. The containers I steward are sacred temple spaces for bringing spirit into form, born from the fires of my own devotion to being initiated and trained by an alchemical dance and reverent love story with the purity, truth and medicine of Creation.

This container, along with my intimate support, offers a structure to hold your process of alchemy and multi-dimensional, practical and energetic guidance every step of the way.

“Christina has truly partnered with me on the path of awakening that is this process of building and running my business, a path that is fiery, initiatory, confronting, and requires at every turn that I meet the resistance, old patterns of conditioning, fears and insecurities that get churned up along the way. 

Christina has held impeccable sacred space for me, helping me to transform these challenges into expansive new clarity and inner freedom that allows me to keep showing up in devotional service- rather than getting derailed and shut down by old fears and programming. 

In short, she has helped me to birth my soul's work into the world more fully and authentically than ever before.  

Christina held the space that allowed me to meet the inner challenges and fears, so that I was able to bring this creation forth. It was I that had to do the work- inner and outer- but it was Christina who held the space and supported me in this fiery, alchemical process. It has been a journey of continuing initiation of my own unfolding spiritual awakening, personal growth and healing. She didn't do it for me- it was my work to do, and no one could do it for me. Instead, she did for me what I could not do for myself: she held the temple space and carried the codes, codes that bridge and activate multidimensional magic in manifest creation. 

She is medicine for our time. If you have the opportunity to work with her, consider yourself extraordinarily blessed.”

-RHIANNON, Wildcrafted Mothering

The containers I steward are a living, breathing temple space birthed from and encoded with the template of organic creation.

These containers are…


A process of alchemy purifies a substance and transforms it home to it’s most refined and potent essence. Essence embodiment is experienced through alchemy. Our creations and the dimension they exist in hold a frequency which catalyzes an alchemical process through entrainment…the natural process of denser frequencies purging from a system and transforming when in contact with a higher frequency.

Within this container, that which is not you, and the energies that cannot come with you into the frequency of the new - conditioning, fear, old beliefs, programming, perceived limitations, repressed emotions, old paradigms, distortions, artificial timelines, attachments, etc.- will come up as necessary to be transformed. This process liberates creative life force and creates space for more soul essence to be embodied and expressed. The alchemical process is what allows us to create from the truth of who we are- from our essence, our embodiment, our clarity and in the flow of our true rhythm.


Initiations are thresholds and invitations along our journey which ask us to meet ourselves deeply to step into a new, expanded embodiment of ourselves. Our creations are always providing opportunities to be initiated deeper into embodying our medicine and becoming the vessel that can receive, birth and steward the blueprint of our missions, creations and realities reflecting the love that we are into form.

Through engaging directly with this journey of initiation, you will discover and embody your unique codes and templates of business, creation and life.


Creative processes are, by their very nature, transformational. We grow, evolve and become more of who we are through meeting the alchemical and initiatory journey of the creative birthing process. Creation is a direct portal to the heart of The Mystery, the intelligence of Mother-Father God and to the experience of soul embodiment.

When worked with intentionally and medicinally, creative processes can greatly accelerate the soul’s evolutionary journey on Earth.

Within these containers, I support both the frequency and form, essence and embodiment, ether and earth of your creative process.


Your vibrational resonance, the energetic signature of your field from which your life and your creations are birthed.

Throughout the journey, you will experience shifts in frequency as you say yes to your organic creation timeline. Through the process of alchemy, your energy field will continually be purified into a clearer, more refined and more potent emanation of your home frequency, your essence. I support this process through clear reflection, support, alchemical tools, energy work practices and multi-dimensional guidance every step of the way. This “intangible” realm is considered the feminine aspect of the creation and inner union template.


The physicalization of your frequency, the materializing energy signature of your soul.

Throughout the journey, you will be a vessel to birth the spirit of your creation into form through many potential mediums…a website, business structures, branding, social media content, courses, offerings, art, books, blog posts, podcasts, an entire business, an entire life. Through working with the organic creation template, you will get to experience the truth of your essence actualizing as the material fabric of your reality. I support this process through offering tangible, practical skillsets in web design, graphic design, photography, branding alchemy, business structure, temple container creation and strategic support.  This “tangible” realm is considered the masculine aspect of the template.

Container duration is from three months to one year.

All packages include bi-weekly 90-minute calls and full-spectrum support via Voxer.