medicine keepers, magical humans and modern mystics


on a path of mastery, creation and service

Offering multi-dimensional mentorship, energetic support and sacred ceremony for humans in devotion to their unique path of becoming medicine for themselves, their relationships and those they serve.

This is a full-spectrum space of human and holy, matter and spirit, raw and refined.

Where devotion opens doorways, courage creates miracles, and truth rearranges realities

Where vulnerability is celebrated as a portal home to the heart of humanity

Where the body is revered as a wildly wise and infinitely intelligent conduit of Creation

Where multi-dimensionality is natural as breath,

And ancient-future codes are remembered and received

Where we learn and grow together through a potent path of wisdom..

And through walking our inner and outer journey of soul embodiment, we become the medicine that we uniquely are, in service to Life itself.

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“Christina is here for the mystics and medicine people who are called to offer their magic in a tangible way to our world. 

She was the miracle I didn't know was possible: a person who was skilled and experienced in the practical know how of business technologies, gifted with creative and intuitive website design, but who was also a profound medicine woman in her own right, skillful with holding sacred space, energy mastery and intuitive awareness- a being capable of walking the starlit realms of multidimensional reality with me and simultaneously translating them into grounded, practical reality. She helped me learn how to bridge these worlds within myself, to learn how to create structures and strong containers to hold- in a truly aligned, sacred way- the magic and medicine I carry. 

She is medicine for our time. If you have the opportunity to work with her, consider yourself extraordinarily blessed.”


Hi, I’m Christina.

It’s my deepest honor and joy to welcome you to this space, a living temple and multi-dimensional portal that has been birthed through devotion to my own initiatory and alchemical path of becoming medicine

The non-linear, spiraling journey of soul essence embodiment.

I’m a catalyst of clarity, a priestess of alchemical artistry, a way-shower of sovereign divinity, a lioness of courageous expression and a galactic midwife for radiant new realities birthing through awakening wombs, hearts and voices.

The template I work with is that of organic creation, an energetic blueprint of our multi-dimensional nature as sovereign creator beings, as living bridges between Ether and Earth, and as conduits for the medicinal power of our soul’s essence.

I am supported by a wonderful team of dragons, masters, angels, fae, plant spirits, elementals, star beings, ancestors and animal guardians. Gaia is my beloved mentor, the unseen realms are my classroom and the Codex of Creation is my Mystery School.

It’s an honor to be of service to soul embodiment during this time of great rebirthing and remembering.