Welcome into the Temple. Christina Marie.

I support soulful, sensitive, spiritually-gifted women desiring to birth a wildly authentic life of full-spectrum beauty, embodied alignment and devotional service through sharing their unique medicine and honoring the magical, multi-dimensional feminine essence.

Supporting the Alchemy, Artistry and Alignment of Your Devotional Path

Tending to the Inner and Outer Temple

Stewarding Sacred Space to Engage with the Ceremony of Life, Love and Creation

“Christina has truly partnered with me on the path of awakening that is this process of building and running my business, a path that is fiery, initiatory, confronting, and requires at every turn that I meet the resistance, old patterns of conditioning, fears and insecurities that get churned up along the way. 

She has held impeccable sacred space for me, helping me to transform these challenges into expansive new clarity and inner freedom that allows me to keep showing up in devotional service- rather than getting derailed and shut down by old fears and programming. 

In short, she has helped me to birth my soul's work into the world more fully and authentically than ever before.”

Hi sister, my name is Christina Marie. I love supporting soulful women to walk their naturally unfurling path with authenticity and alignment with their unique blueprint of cyclical creation, sacred service, embodied wholeness and personal thriving.

I believe that your journey is perfectly encoded with every experience that your soul desires to learn from, to evolve, to expand, to blossom into your truest expression of embodied love in this lifetime.

I believe the devotional path of the feminine is a holistic landscape, a web of relationship where all facets of your life are essential to informing and initiating the cultivation of your heart, your mastery, your embodiment, your way of alchemy and artistry.

I believe that as you attune to the medicinal and ceremonial nature of your inner and outer reality, life reveals abundant opportunities to continually become the medicine that you are and to birth a life of sacred beauty, soul fulfillment, creative aliveness and embodied thriving from the inside-out.

“Christina is here for the mystics and medicine people who are called to offer their magic in a tangible way to our world. 

She was the miracle I didn't know was possible: a person who was skilled and experienced in the practical know-how of business technologies, gifted with creative and intuitive website design, but who was also a profound medicine woman in her own right, skillful with holding sacred space, energy mastery and intuitive awareness- a being capable of walking the starlit realms of multidimensional reality with me and simultaneously translating them into grounded, practical reality. She helped me learn how to bridge these worlds within myself, to learn how to create structures and strong containers to hold- in a truly aligned, sacred way- the magic and medicine I carry. 

She is medicine for our time. If you have the opportunity to work with her, consider yourself extraordinarily blessed.”

Explore Offerings

  • Single Sessions

    One-on-one virtual energy alchemy sessions for humans walking their unique path of mastery, service and creation

  • Mentorship Containers

    Long-term, high-intimacy support for medicine-keepers on their journey of creative birthing and embodied initiation

  • Essence Photography

    Sacred ceremonial photography to capture your essence and express the energetic emanation of your personal brand

  • Medicine Temple

    Offering private and community tea ceremonies, energy-work sessions and transformational events in St. Petersburg, Florida


Tune in for catalyzing conversations and transformational transmissions encoded to awaken your remembrance, activate your soul and inspire your unique path of becoming the living transmission of your medicine.

“Christina’s ability to hold such sacred and loving space allowed me to go DEEEP within myself to discover more of who I really am, and has allowed for the safety to be vulnerable to look at what was the scariest shit of my life- my pain I had tucked away and kept secret so I didn’t have to see it or feel it.

It was revealed over and over again that feeling it, seeing it and allowing it to be what is was, was exactly what it was asking for in order for it to alchemize! It allowed me reclamation of many parts of me I had shamed, hated and hid from.

This propelled me forward in many areas of my life, including the continued desire to share my medicine with others while continuing the path of healing and discovery of self. “

About Christina Marie

Christina Marie, MSc is a multi-dimensionally gifted Transformational Facilitator, Ceremonialist, Energy-Worker, Channel, Seer, Priestess, Artist, Alchemist, Temple-Keeper and Woman of Devotion. 

Her unique professional background includes study in the healing, transformational, ceremonial and priestess arts, immersion in the realms of business, technology, marketing, branding and web design, training in psycho-spiritual, somatic and shamanic skillsets, and pioneering New Earth paradigms of creation, service, relationships, leadership, community building and retreat, event and ceremony facilitation.

She considers herself a bridge between the worlds of the mystical and the mundane, ease-fully translating among the dimensions of spirit and matter, quantum and somatic, Divinity and humanity.

She has walked a path of radical awakening from an early age, immersing herself in the exploration of spiritual study and practice through ancient lineages, healing modalities, earth-based wisdom streams and esoteric self-knowledge systems, through direct mystical, shamanic and Kundalini initiation, through intimate devotion to her sacred inner and outer alchemical process, and through the grace of remembering and integrating the wisdom of many lifetimes in service to love, self-mastery and the restoration of Christ Consciousness on Gaia.

Christina is a 6/2 Mental Projector, Left Angle Cross of the Alpha, and is uniquely designed to be a conduit for new paradigms and templates of consciousness, a catalyst of transformation, a devotee of the Mysteries and a highly-attuned guide and mirror for the subtle, sacred, soul-led medicine journey of inner and outer evolution.

Christina lives in devotion to the creation of Heaven on Earth, from the inside-out. She stewards both online and in-person temple spaces, serving humans worldwide and as a respected pillar, wayshower, and leader in her local community of St. Petersburg, Florida.