A Multi-Dimensional Temple for Mission Souls Devoted to Embodying and Expressing their Medicine, Magic and Mastery

I am a medicine woman, mission mentor and creation midwife for leaders, priestesses, practitioners, mystics, artists, initiates and angels who know in their hearts that they are here to create soul-guided realities of love and truth through their embodiment, expression and sacred offerings of devotional service.

It is my greatest honor and joy to support your spiral journey of aligning your reality with your soul-level truth, mastering your medicine, sharing your unique gifts and taking each next step of your devotional path with sovereignty and surrender, clarity and courage.

My prayer is for you to remember the brilliance of who you are, experience the fulfillment of becoming all of who you were born to be, birth a life of beauty in communion with the sacred dreams of your heart, and pour forth in service from an overflowing inner wellspring of wisdom, nourishment, union and love.

It is my devotion to embody an open heart, a clear mirror, a compassionate container and a masterful, precise, and potent presence of guidance, empowerment, reflection, and full-spectrum energetic and practical support on your path of alignment with dharma, destiny and Divine Will.

“Christina is here for the mystics and medicine people who are called to offer their magic in a tangible way to our world.

She is medicine for our time. If you have the opportunity to work with her, consider yourself extraordinarily blessed.”

The offerings of this temple provide multi-dimensional, mystical and practical support for those devoted to the sincere path of their soul.

Together we are resurrecting and restoring the original mission templates, remembering that the soul-led way is not something figured out from the mind, not something that can be controlled or forced…

It’s a journey of fortifying in faith, embodying a sincere commitment to the inner and outer process of initiation, cultivating intimacy with the Mystery,

Inviting profound reverence to the organic intelligence of reality and to remembering that the way that knows the way,

Experiencing the upward spiral of evolution as each next step of Divinely-guided destiny unfurls like a rose in response to your courageous devotion.


Essential Alchemy Sessions

A Multi-Dimensional Medicine Portal | Empowering energy transformation and soul alignment, offering clear reflection and grounded guidance to support crystalline clarity and illuminate The Way forward.

Medicine Mentorship

Meet the and Master Medicine Journey of Your Mission | High-level support for leaders and initiates walking the path of mastery, devoted to the process of becoming the living transmission of their soul’s unique medicine and embodying a clear field of service and creation.

Creation Containers

Multi-Dimensional Support for Creative and Business Birthing | Midwifing the process of materializing your mission from ethers to earth.

“Christina has mirrored an unmatched level of devotion, mastery, and radiance as an embodied mystic pouring wisdom and gold forth into the world.

She works with a high-level field that pierces the veils of illusions with ease, and supports sincere re-centering in the royal yet relentless path of truth- where I've discovered the true richness of my life. Thank you for your exquisite care and devotion, Christina. It's changed my life in miraculous ways.”

Christina lives in Devotion to the path of the Priestess and the alchemical way of the Vessel. She is a student of Organic Creation and serves as a bridge between the worlds of the mystical and the mundane, translating among the dimensions of spirit and matter, ether and earth, quantum and somatic, the higher realms and the heart, Divinity and humanity.

Her unique professional background includes education, training and experience in the healing, ceremonial, coaching and transformational arts, the realms of business, technology, web design and entrepreneurship, and pioneering New Earth paradigms of creation, service, relationships, leadership, community building and ceremony facilitation.

She has discovered immense richness, healing, beauty, and remembrance through embracing life as a profound ceremony, working with reality as medicine and directly experiencing the continually unfurling alchemical mysteries of Love, Truth and Divine Union on her path of soul-led service.

Christina is a 6/2 Mental Projector and is designed to be a conduit for the mysteries of creation, a catalyst of breakthroughs and a highly-attuned guide and mirror for the subtle, sacred medicine journey of inner and outer soul alignment and evolution.

She serves the creation of Eden on Earth, remembered as a frequency from the inside-out. She stewards both online and in-person temple spaces, sharing her medicine with humans worldwide and serving as a respected pillar, wayshower, leader and temple-keeper in her local community of St. Petersburg, Florida.

Christina Marie, MSc is a Transformational Facilitator, Medicine Woman, Ceremonialist, Energy Worker, Guide, Oracle, Priestess, Artist, Alchemist and Temple-Keeper.